Monday, August 6, 2012

Welcome to My Life!

Hi! Thanks for stopping in to take a little peek into my life and work, please go ahead and make yourself at home, Mi cyber casa es su cyber casa! This being my first post I may be all alone here, but that's ok, it wouldn't be my first time talking to myself and I'm sure it won't be my last.
I just wanted to take a quick moment to introduce myself and my blog.
My name is Tana and I am a primarily self taught jewelry artist, wife and mother of five charming kids from 12-22 years of age. I am a grateful recovering alcoholic/addict, and I believe that each and every experience I have had and lesson I have learned has been valuable. I spent several years in many different jobs searching for that one thing that I am just meant for. In the process of learning who I really am as a sober person, I had to find out what I enjoy and art therapy revealed a creativity I never knew I possessed and a love for making jewelry. There is so much healing in the creative process!
I have been blessed with a supportive husband and a second chance at life. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be with my family and be able to do something that I love. I believe each of us has unique God given gifts and a purpose for which to use them. I invite you to join me here as I explore and share the gifts I have been given with you.
Keep checking back, or better yet, subscribe to see pictures of my work, find out what's new or to just connect and learn along with me!

I am so happy to share my life and my work with you, and it is my hope that you find inspiration, encouragement and fellowship here.

~In Peace & Love~